Anaemia — Causes & Dietary Guidelines

Snehita Kodi, PMP®
4 min readJun 21, 2020


Plasma, erythrocytes ( RBC), leucocytes (WBC) and platelets are the main components of blood. The production of red blood cells is called erythropoiesis which occurs in bone marrow. These red blood cells consists of haemoglobin which is an iron binding protein, essential for the transportation of oxygen to the target cells. Deficiency in RBCs or haemoglobin can cause Anaemia.


  • Production & Destruction of RBC

The red blood cells count decreases when RBC are destroyed faster than they are produced. This is called Haemolytic Anaemia. This can be of two types. (A) Inherited haemolytic anaemia is due to transfer of genes from parent to the offspring where the lifespan of RBC is less than the normal. (B) Acquired haemolytic anaemia is observed in the individual where RBC are normal during birth and destroyed during later stage.

  • Insufficient intake of iron

Iron is an essential mineral for the production of several heme compounds like haemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochrome. Iron is stored in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin which are utilised as per the metabolic need. Lower intake of iron can lead to the depletion of iron stores and anaemia.

  • Factors affecting absorption & bioavailability of iron

Several factors contribute to the inhibition or absorption of iron which can further lead to anaemia. Some important factors are listed below:

Transferrin: It is a iron binding glycoprotein produced by the liver. Also transferrin plays a key role in erythropoiesis. Generally iron deficiency is associated with increased serum transferrin level.

Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid enhances absorption and bioavailability of iron.

Calcium: Consumption of calcium in the form of diary products can hinder iron absorption. Excess intake of calcium should be avoided by anaemic patients

Phytates: Phytates and tannins are considered as inhibitors of iron absorption. Most of the plant food rich fibre mainly seeds, legumes and whole grains comes with phytic acid which can inhibit iron absorption.

  • Cobalamin

Vitamin B12 is essential for RBC production. Intrinsic factor is a protein released by stomach lining cells, responsible for Vitamin B12 absorption. Deficiency in intrinsic factor can lead to lower absorption of cobalamin and cause Pernicious anaemia.

  • Bone Marrow

Erythropoiesis occurs in bone marrow. The stem cells in bone marrow produces the blood cells. Deficiency of hematopoietic stem cells can lead to Aplastic Anaemia


Though most of the symptoms of anaemia are due to insufficient supply of oxygen to the target cells, some anaemic patients can be asymptomatic too. If observed, some commonly occurring of symptoms are

  • weakness
  • hair loss
  • pale face
  • heart palpitation
  • heart problems worsen


Iron & Folic acid

Intake of foods rich in iron and folic acid can be considered as the primary dietary guideline for anaemic patients. Food iron can be classified as heme and non heme iron. Green leafy vegetables and legumes are excellent source of iron. Excess iron intake can cause iron overload or hemochromatosis, hence its advisable to check your iron levels get your diet plan from a qualified dietician.


To treat anaemia it is essential to include include Vitamin C & B12. All citrous fruits are good sources of ascorbic acid. Meat and poultry products are the best sources of Vitamin B12.


Intake of good amount of water everyday will keep your body hydrated. Consuming enough water can increase the availability of oxygen in your body and maintain blood volume.


  • Amaranth Smoothie

Smoothie are the best way to incorporate blend of nutrients which are easy to prepare and time saving. To the blender add amaranth leaves, wheat grass, pineapple, oranges and overnight soaked dry dates. You can dilute the smoothie with milk if the consistency is too thick. The mix of green leafy vegetables with citrous fruits promises you perfect absorption of consumed iron. You can choose greens and citrous fruits of your choice to enhance the taste of the smoothie.

  • Rice bran Pancakes

This is another simple recipe for iron intake. To a mixing bowl add 2 to 3 egg white and whisk it till it turns foamy. To the egg white add, equal portions of oats bran and rice bran. To the mixture add sugar to taste and a pinch of salt and mix well. Now your batter is ready to prepare pancakes. Take a pan, set it on the medium flame and grease it with a drop of oil. Take a 2 tablespoons of batter and pour it on the pan. Once the pancakes turn golden brown on both sides you can serve and enjoy.

  • Cabbage Rolls

To prepare cabbage rolls, take a large pot and start boiling water to steam the cabbage leaves. To prepare the stuffing take a large mixing bowl. Add roasted onions and garlic, tomato puree, grounded beef, brown rice, pepper, and salt to taste and mix it well. Place the small portion of stuffing on steamed cabbage leaves and roll them up properly. Place the rolls on baking pan. Finally pour some liquid on top of the rolls. You can use diluted tomato puree or beef stock instead of plain water. Now cook it at 350 F for 30 mins. Thats it, perfect iron rich cabbage rolls are ready to serve.


